Questo è il sito della 5gg del Carso 2016, manifestazione di orienteering svolta a Trieste nel settembre 2016.
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High Patronage of the European Parliament

Mr Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, granted his High Patronage to our event. Here below his letter.


Dear Mr Nardi,
Thank you for your online application of 16 May 2016 requesting the patronage of the European Parliament for the international orienteering event “5 Days of Carso”, which will take place in Trieste, Duino-Aurisina, Sgonico and Gradisca d’Isonzo from September 21 to 25, 2016.
Your initiative, which will attract many participants from different European countries, has as its objective the promotion of the sport and the positive values associated with it, such as fair play, respect and social inclusiveness, while at the same time making known the  natural and cultural richness of the region. The event also constitutes an excellent opportunity to celebrate diversity and intercultural dialogue as well as a sense of belonging and unity at the European level, and is therefore highly appreciated by the European Parliament.
Our institution is firmly convinced that sport contributes to the realization of the Union’s strategic objectives, as it highlights fundamental educational and cultural values and is a vector of integration, to the extent that it appeals to all citizens, regardless of gender , ethnic origin, religion, age, nationality, social status or sexual orientation. At the same time, sport plays an important role in the well-being and development of the individual, being a source of joy and self-esteem for many people, be they participants, supporters or spectators.
It is
therefore with great pleasure that I extend to your sporting event the patronage of the European Parliament.
Please accept
my best wishes for its success.
Yours sincerely.
Martin Schulz

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